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Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information

What is labour market information?

Labour market information (LMI) is current information regarding job, employment and industry data and trends which can be used to assist students in making well informed career and education choices.

National and local LMI usually includes data on recruitment and employment trends, average salaries and graduate destinations. Labour market information provides insights on what industries are growing or declining and what type of jobs are available and the current skills that are in demand.

It is important to remember that next step and career decisions should never be based on LMI alone, as LMI is not designed to tell you what to do. LMI acts as a general guide to better understand the job and labour market. Such knowledge and information can play a key part in supporting your young person to make well informed decisions about what is best for them and their future.


How to find labour market information?

UK National LMI

Dorset LMI


The Careerometer widget displays a variety of labour market data relating to salary, hours of work and future job progression prospects.

The widget below can be used to better understand and compare information and data regarding different job professions to support in the process of deciding potential career paths and industries.

The information is organised by job title. To use the widget, type in the title of the job you are interested in and you will be provided with a selection of options of which you can choose the most relevant to you.

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