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Financial Support

Financial Support, Bursaries, Advanced Learner Loans, and Grants

Bursary Rules Academic Year 2024/25 

Kingston Maurward College offers Financial Support (bursaries) which are funded by the Government and the College, they are available to students on a funded course. Bursaries are awarded based on financial need, to help with associated costs of attending College such as transport (either College transport or petrol subsidy), equipment or clothing.  

Eligibility for a bursary does not guarantee an award will be granted. Bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the college and also require continued satisfactory attendance for the course. 

Available Bursaries:  

  • 16-19 Discretionary bursary – If you are aged 16-18 by the 31st August or aged up to 25 if you hold an EHCP  
  • Vulnerable bursary – If you are aged 16-18 and meet the vulnerable bursary criteria 
  • Advanced learner loan bursary – If you are aged 19 and over and in receipt of an Advanced learner loan  
  • Hardship fund – If you are aged 19 and over by the 31st August and not in receipt of an advanced learner loan you can apply  

The College receives limited funds for bursaries; once the funds are exhausted, no further bursaries will be issued. 

Please submit your bursary application by 08 July 2024 to ensure that your award amount is approved before you enrol at the College. Until a bursary has been confirmed full transport fees are payable.  

The thresholds of bursary based on a combined net household income are:

  • Vulnerable: 100% awarded
  • Up to £25,000: 90% awarded
  • Up to £30,000: 80% awarded
  • Up to £35,000: 70% awarded
  • Up to £40,000: 50% awarded
  • Up to £45,000: 35% awarded
  • Up to £50,000: 20% awarded
  • More than £50,000: No award


 To be awarded a bursary you must:

  • have been a resident in the British Isles or European Union for the last three years or have your passport endorsed to show you have the right to live in the UK
  • have a ‘settled status’ in the UK
  • study a Further Education (full-time) funded course with us please note: If you are studying a two year course you will be able to apply for a 16 – 18 bursary for your second year, even if you have reached age 19 at the start of that year.

The bursary application process is fully online. You will be emailed a link to apply for a bursary when you have been offered a place on a course. All supporting evidence will need to be uploaded before an application can be considered, photographs of evidence will be accepted.

Your application will be processed by our team and you will be informed of the award decision via email. You will then need to accept the bursary offer for it to be applied. 

 If your application is refused, you will receive information about why it has been refused, together with information detailing how you can appeal if you disagree with the decision. To appeal a bursary decision/award please email providing full details of your reason for appeal including evidence where appropriate. Receiving an award that is different to another person is not grounds for appeal. 


Vulnerable Student Bursaries 

Vulnerable bursaries are means tested and are available for students aged 16 to 18 if they are in one of the following vulnerable groups:

  • Are in, or have recently left, local authority care
  • Financially independent and in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit
  • Have a Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in your name and either an Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit
  • Have a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in your name and either an ESA or Universal Credit
  • We are required to state that there is a possibility of no award or a limited award of the vulnerable bursary. 


Discretionary Bursaries

You can apply for a discretionary bursary if you are aged between 16 and 19 by the 31st August or aged up to 25 and in receipt of an EHCP and attending a full-time funded College course. Your net household income (after tax etc. deductions, but including certain benefits) is £45,000 per annum or lower.


19+ Learner Support (Hardship Fund) 

There are funds to available to those whose studies may be affected by financial hardship.  

This support can help those who have household incomes of up to £45,000 per year. If you are aged over 19, living in your family home or a shared household, and are financially supported by another person such as a relative or partner you will be required to declare details of their income. 

If you are over 19 and living away from home, or living in a shared household but not as a dependant, you will be assessed as independent. 


Agricultural/Horticultural Student Funding

Gillingham & Shaftesbury Agricultural Society Student Support Fund

In August 2020, the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Agricultural Society, organisers of the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show, established the Student Support Fund with the aim to support students entering agricultural, horticultural and countryside courses. The fund encourages and supports the very best talent that is training for and entering careers in agriculture and related land-based industries.

The Support Fund will give up to £1,500 to assist students and trainees. Check out our guidelines and complete our short application form on our website.

Closing date for applications: 31st May 2024

Student Support Fund Application Form 2024

Student Support Fund Poster 2024

Advanced Learner Loan Bursary 

The Advanced Learner Loan bursary is available to learners that are in receipt of an Advanced Learner Loan, and is available to those who have household incomes of up to £45,000 per year 

Bursary Awards can support: 

Free College Meals 

For eligible students, a free meal to the value of £3.50 will be provided by the College each weekday. These will be available when you are timetabled to be at College, including any off-site trips, and work placements within term time.  

To receive these, you must be in receipt of, or have parents/carers who have one or more of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit if you’ve applied on or after the 1st April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 per year. (After tax and not including any additional benefits).


College Transport 

Dependant on the bursary awarded deductions will be made to the cost of College Transport, there will then be the option to make the remaining transport payments by instalments using the College’s free of charge instalment provider – FlexPay 


Petrol Subsidy  

Please speak with our Student Administration Team at the start of your course. The contribution amount of refund per week will be based on your home to College travel distance.

Payments to cover petrol will be issued on a half-termly basis on the presentation of relevant receipts. Please note that your attendance will be checked for weeks when petrol costs are claimed. 



The College is able to provide loan laptops to eligible students, these must be returned at the end the course. A bursary funded laptop and is available to those with a combined net household income of £20,000 or less, if you would like to request this please tick the relevant box in the bursary application.


Essential Kit and Clothing 

This award is only available to students with a net household income no higher than £20,000 per annum.  

Refunds will be dependent upon the presentation of your receipts and teacher’s report on your attendance and progress, by the autumn half term. 

If you are in Agriculture, Animal Welfare, Horticulture, Floristry, Construction, Protective Services,
or Military Preparation the maximum allocation is £60. 

If you are in Outdoor Adventure or Equine Studies, you will receive a maximum of £150.   

Applications for refunds for essential kit, technology or clothing will require your teacher’s half-term report on your attendance and progress. These applications will be reviewed and payments made prior to the end of the calendar year.  


Bursaries cannot be used support exam fees, general clothing or non-essential College trips.



Kingston Maurward College has this year set up a grant scheme to help students financially. The grants are kindly funded by The Henry Hoare Charitable Trust and The Romo Trust to help cover additional educational costs such as books, equipment, specialist materials and clothing, educational visits and more; in order to help those benefiting to prepare for a trade or profession.

If you are eligible, financial assistance can support you to buy kit, books and college clothing.

If you would like to apply and for more information about eligibility and how the grant works, please click below:

Apply Here

Additional Information 

 You must inform the Student Administration Team of any changes to income or financial circumstances during your course. 

 Additional financial support may be provided at the discretion of the College 

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