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Parent Portal

Parent Portal is currently undergoing changes
Parent Portal is currently undergoing changes

PLEASE NOTE: Parent Portal is currently undergoing some changes and is not available to access. We will keep you informed once the site is back up and running.

Parent Portal

Kingston Maurward College is committed to ensuring every student achieves their potential and uses an online system called ProMonitor to help us support all our students throughout their Study Programme.

Parents and Carers of our students also have the opportunity to use this system too through ParentPortal.

With Parent Portal you will be able to log in and view:

  • Details of the current Study Programme on which your son/daughter is enrolled, including English and maths
  • Your son or daughters Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
  • The SMART targets your son or daughter is currently working on
  • The marks or grades they have been given for their assessments/assignments and a way to compare these to their target grades
  • Their record of attendance and punctuality
  • Celebration and behaviour comments

How to access ParentPortal

Click here to access and register for ParentPortal

You will need a username and password to get in to ParentPortal and these will be provided to you by the College.

To register for the first time please select ‘Submit An Account Request’ and follow the instructions on screen.

Please set your username as your email address. This must be the email address quoted by you on the Enrolment Form as the emergency contact (Next of Kin) as we will use this information to verify your request against the records we already hold.

Upon submitting your request, we will acknowledge this by asking you to confirm your email address.

Once your access is in place we will advise you via the email address you have provided, shortly after the start of your son or daughter’s course of study.

You will only be able to view the information for your own son or daughter or the student in your care.

You are welcome to log in as often as you wish.

Once you are logged in to ParentPortal you will need to find your way around. A guide entitled ParentPortal: Information for Parents/Carers will be available shortly.

Need Help using Parent Portal?
Need Help using Parent Portal?

If you have any problems when you are attempting to log in please email  for assistance.

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