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Parent-Guardians and Carers


As a parent, guardian or carer, you’ll know that education can be the most important factor in your young person’s future success and happiness. Helping your young person to identify their passions, interests and talents, so that they can work towards a satisfying career that’s the right fit for them, is one of the best things you can do to help set them up for adulthood.

Our careers programme KMCprepared is designed to give students the tools, information and inspiration to make well informed life and career choices. Careers guidance must always be impartial, and as careers professionals, we are bound by the CDI Code of Ethics. We won’t persuade a student to do something they really don’t want to do.

We understand that as a parent you may need extra help in supporting your young person, especially when it comes to providing advice or guidance regarding their next step. As a dedicated careers team we believe in providing support to both students and their parents as a collaboration to give young people the best chance to make well informed choices.


If you would like to provide feedback on an experience either yourself or a student has had related to careers, please click here to contact the Careers Lead. This experience could be an appointment with the Careers Team, a visit from a guest speaker or feedback from a work placement or workplace visit.

Meaningful feedback is important to us as it allows the College’s careers programme, KMCprepared, to improve and develop, ensuring that it meets the needs of all learners here at Kingston Maurward.

The College is committed to supporting parent-guardians and carers by providing access to relevant resources and tools that may help to have meaningful conversations about career and progression choices.

If you would like to contact the careers team for any additional support or advice, please contact: Jack Winborn (Careers Lead) –

(If you contact the careers team to talk about your young person, we will encourage that the young person is also told about this phone communication. From our experience, when the student is fully informed and included in careers guidance, they are more engaged with the Careers Team which results in a more positive outcome for the student).

Careerpilot has a very comprehensive Parent Zone that provides advice and guidance to parent-guardians and carers.

Career advice for parents.

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