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Information Event – Learning Support

Think Differently? Learn differently?

We have a large Learning Support department that works across the college with a team of well qualified and experienced Teaching Assistants and Learning Support tutors who can provide a range of support from scribes and readers through to specialist support for specific learning disabilities. We offer support at all levels and all abilities. We have both Learning Support and High Needs Co-ordinators who will ensure you have the right support in place when you start and throughout your studies and will co-ordinate annual reviews.

How will the college know if a young person needs extra help? What should I do if I think they may have special educational needs?

We run a number of Link Courses and Transition Sessions for the local special schools in order to smooth the transition from school to college but also to enable us to identify early on which students may be looking to come to us and therefore what support needs to be in place. The Head of Learning Support attends as many annual reviews at school as possible so that we can make sure that FE and the chosen course is right for your child/young person. We advise that families attend one of our Open Mornings which are advertised on our website to come and talk to us in more detail about what support you might need. We would also invite you to come in for an informal interview if you decide to apply where we can again discuss any support needs. We ask for references from school and any other information that will help us to identify support needs such as an EHCP.

If you have any concerns you can call us at any time and speak to the Head of Learning Support or the Learning Support and High Needs Co-ordinators. If a request for an EHCP assessment needs to be completed, we will help you with this process. We can also put you in touch with independent advisors who can also help you.

How will College support my young person?

The educational programme will be overseen by a Course Manager and the head of whichever department you go into. Course Managers will see students regularly throughout the week and they will also have a number of 1:1 tutorials throughout the academic year. Your child/young person will have a number of teachers that deliver the qualification working with them and they may also have a Teaching Assistant depending on the need. Special Education provision is overseen by the Head of Foundation Studies and Learning Support, supported by a Learning Support Co-ordinator and a High Needs Co-ordinator. You may also receive additional learning support from our Specialist Learning Support Tutors who can offer 1:1 or small group work on top of the main programme. Please feel free to call any time for more information but we will also explain this at Open Mornings and interviews. We also run a number of Summer Schools during the summer holidays for students starting in September so you will get lots of information then.

What is the Local offer?

Local Authorities have a statutory duty to publish information on services for children and young people with SEND and disabilities aged 0-25 (Children and Families Act 2014).

Local Offer purpose:

To provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up to date information about the available provision and how to access it.

To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disabled children and those with SEND and their parents, and disabled young people and those with SEN, and service providers in its development and review.

SEND code of practice 2014.

Where is our Local Offer?

  • Information and guidance is published on the government’s webpage, click here.
  • Service Local Offers published on the Family Information Directory, click here.

Information is published by the Family Information Service who ensure it is parent and young people friendly. Relevant services and partners are responsible.

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